JAKARTA - There was a feud between the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali and several Indonesian badminton athletes. Previously, the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini was also faced with the opposite position with people with disabilities. Back again, there is the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah whose policies are against the interests of workers. What kind of government is this. What do ministers work for? For who?
Indonesian badminton athletes have won the Thomas Cup. This title victory is the 14th time. Indonesia last won the Thomas Cup in 2002. Indonesia managed to win 3-0 over China.
This victory made the people of Indonesia proud. The athletes worked very hard to get the victory against various athletes from countries that were no less great.
Not surprisingly, the victory certainly deserves appreciation, both praise and other forms of appreciation; bonus. A number of badminton athletes who succeeded in bringing the 2020 Thomas Cup to Indonesia, such as Jonatan Christie and Fajar Alfian, issued innuendos through social media.
not being given a bonus is one thing, but saying that the Thomas Cup is not a prestigious event? that is some serious stuff that needs to be talked about, like FACE TO FACE
— | (@laurenmsctn) December 3, 2021
"Thank you for the 'appreciation'. So remember there was a scene in the King movie that said 'the trophy is empty.' And it turns out that now it is considered that way," said Jonathan Christie on his personal Twitter account.
The satire later went viral on social media. Even the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) was urged to give bonuses to the 2021 Thomas Cup team even though previously there was no promise from the government regarding bonuses in the 2020 Thomas Cup.
Menpora Zainudin Amali responded to these innuendos by saying that giving bonuses from the government to athletes is not like shopping at a shop where the process of spending money is so fast. Amali asked the public to understand the bureaucracy that the government had to go through in order to realize athlete bonuses.

"I have to be careful, we don't want to spend money which will become the findings of the BPK (Financial Audit Agency) later on," said Menpora Amali, Saturday, December 4, quoted from a VOI article entitled Response to Satire to the Thomas Cup Bonus, Menpora: No Like shopping at the shop.
"Of course this is not like shopping at a shop, the management of the country must be careful, it must be clear. If this is personal money, I have no problem, but this is not, this is state money," he added.
The public is increasingly angry with the Ministry of Youth and Sports which does not seem to appreciate athletes with the emergence of the hashtag #AthletHarusPaham. The hashtag contains criticisms of badminton athletes who insinuate bonuses for winning the 2020 Thomas Cup.
The hashtag also shows images that satirize Indonesian athletes such as Jonatan Christie. The hashtag received a counter hashtag from Indonesian netizens with #ApresiasiUntukAtlet.
The hashtag #ApresisasiUntukAthlete contains badminton fans and other Indonesian people who praise the struggles of Indonesian athletes. They also provide sentences of support for Indonesian badminton athletes.
Minister of Counter-communityThe contrast between the minister and the people is not the only time this has happened. Previously, we knew that the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said that the minimum wage in Indonesia was high. Therefore, it is difficult for most entrepreneurs to reach.
On that occasion, Ida explained, the ideal median wage index is in the range of 0.4 to 0.6 percent. However, in Indonesia it is more than 1 percent, so there needs to be an adjustment to the minimum wage calculation formula. Therefore, next year a minimum wage calculation will be implemented in accordance with the new rules.
Ida explained that the determination of the minimum wage that did not comply with the new legislation has the potential to hinder the expansion of job opportunities, trigger layoffs and encourage industrial relocation to areas with lower wages.

"If it is set higher than the stipulation, it will potentially hamper the expansion of job opportunities, the possibility of substitution of labor to machines will also be high. We do not expect layoffs, because this will trigger layoffs."
Minister of Manpower Ida is not the last minister to issue a statement against the public. Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharani caused controversy after forcing the deaf to speak.
At that time, Risma said that God gave her eyes, ears, and mouth to maximize their use. At that time, Risma was attending the commemoration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on December 1, 2021.
Risma saw an exhibition displaying the works of children with disabilities. Then stopped in front of a painting made by the deaf. After the deaf person finished his painting, Risma asked him to go up to the stage.
There were two children on the stage, Anfiln and Aldi. Quoting a VOI article entitled Bu Risma, God Also Gives Brains and Conscience to Understand Each Other Not All of Us Are Equal Even Though We Should Be Equal, Anfil is a person with a mental disability and is deaf.
He was asked to convey words to Risma directly. Anfil spoke. Meanwhile, Aldi, who is a person with autism and communication disorders, was also asked to speak. But Aldi rocked. His request went unanswered, Risma then said:

"You are now asking me to talk without using a tool. You speak Aldi ... Can you talk."
Risma's attitude was then responded by a deaf person named Stefan. Stefan is a man who appears in many video clips circulating. Stefan tried to explain to Risma about the importance of hearing aids for people with hearing impairments.
Stefan even mentions the importance of hearing aids like treasures. Instead of trying to understand, Risma actually advised Stefan back.
"God gave us a mouth, gave ears, gave us eyes. What I want to teach you, especially children, who uses hearing aids, is that they don't have to be mute. Actually, they don't have to be mute. So that's why you forced me to you guys to talk. I really forced you, so that we can maximize, maximize God's gift to us," Risma said in a video uploaded to the Ministry of Social's YouTube account.
What kind of government?Political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Ujang Komaruddin, said that policies in Indonesia are basically rooted in the interests of the people, nation and state. However, it is unavoidable that the ministers who hold policies are blunders.
"But it could be that our minister was wrong or blundered or accidentally (made a counter statement). But if you make mistakes many times, it could be part of your character, like Mrs. Risma, she likes to be angry. This could be her character," said Ujang, when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, December 7.
A public official is a person who is trusted by the community. In addition, the movements of the officials were also noticed. As soon as the public pays attention to the actions of the ministers, even the small things that disturb the public know.
It is not surprising that all the statements of the ministers invite public reactions. Ujang stressed that whoever the minister is, must be careful, both in issuing policies and delivering a statement.
"They are public officials who are role models and examples. This is not a simple matter. It's different if they are not ministers or other public officials. Therefore, the reflection of a minister making pro-people policies, including making good statements, is important," Ujang explained.
The number of people who are against the policy or statement of the minister, can also be a lesson so that the ministers are able to seek and find common ground for problems. Taking the case of the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah, Ida stated that if the minimum salary in Indonesia is high, then employers will suffer losses resulting in losses, out of business, and eventually layoffs.
However, from the community's point of view, the government seems to be defending the interests of one party. Moreover, many workers are not prosperous and suffer because of the lack of wages. Therefore, looking for common ground in a problem so that it is not biased. It's not an easy thing, but that's the minister's job.
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