JAKARTA - The United States (US) Constitution does not prohibit citizens who wish to renounce their citizenship. The conditions are also easy. However, it was not without consequences. One-on-one mistakes can make a person suffer many losses, including being stateless or stateless.

Some time ago, the company Bambridge Accountants in its research noted that as many as 5,800 people decided to give up their citizenship in the first quarter of 2020. That number jumped from last year's 2,072 people.

Most of those who do this admit that they are fed up with all the conditions in their country. The taxation conditions and political climate are the reasons for the majority of why they decide to abandon their citizenship.

How to lose citizenship

The US Constitution does not prohibit citizens from relinquishing their citizenship. This is regulated in the US Immigration and Nationality Act in Article 349 (a) (5). The regulation regulates voluntary loss of citizenship and with the intention of renouncing citizenship.

Launching the official page of the US Consular, someone who wants to give up citizenship must do it voluntarily. The person must also appear in person before a US consular or diplomatic officer to sign an oath of waiver. Either at the embassy of a foreign country or the US Consulate.

Relinquishment of citizenship abroad, which does not meet the requirements described above, has no legal effect. Due to the provisions of Article 349 (a) (5), US citizens can only relinquish their citizenship outright, an automatic procedure that cannot be carried out by mail, electronically, or through an agency.


However, what needs to be realized from giving up citizenship is that they can be considered stateless or stateless. The consequence is that the person has no protection from any government.

Apart from that they will also have difficulty traveling because they may not be entitled to a passport from any country. Such a case would not have occurred if a person already had alternate citizenship.

There are many losses they will bear if they give up their citizenship. For example, he will find it difficult to own or rent property, work, get married, receive medical insurance or other benefits and go to school.

Meanwhile former US citizens will be required to obtain a visa to travel to the US or show that they are eligible for US entry under the terms of the Visa Program. If unable to qualify for a visa, the person may be permanently barred from entering the US.

Releasing privileges

Apart from the consequences that must be borne, US citizens who want to give up their citizenship must also be ready to give up all the benefits they have had so far. For example, government protection in case of needing assistance while abroad, and citizenship for children born outside the US.

In addition, giving up US citizenship means being ready to give up the strongest passport in the world. One of the main advantages of having a US passport is being able to travel to more than 180 destination countries. Even short term trips without a visa.

In addition, giving up US citizenship also means being ready to give up full access to certain government programs. Such as college assistance which is only available to US citizens.

Removing US citizenship also has serious consequences. What's more, renouncing citizenship is not as easy as throwing away a passport.

There is a lengthy legal process involving paperwork, interviews and money. Launched Investopedia (https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/060515/why-people-renounce-their-us-citizenship.asp), due to an increase in the number of US citizens applying for citizenship, Department of State The US raised costs from US $ 450 to US $ 2,350, more than 20 times the average cost in other high-income countries.

And the most important thing you need to know about relinquishing citizenship is an irrevocable act. This means that the person will not be able to change their mind and regain US citizenship.

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