Why Do You Have To Be A Police Officer If You Can Have A Firefighter's Son-in-law?
Photo illustration of a firefighter (Rizky Sulistyo/VOI)

JAKARTA - A team of firefighters managed to save a man in West Jakarta from an attempted suicide. Once again we see the true heroic action of the 'brandweers'. If today there is a narrative that describes the police as the ideal son-in-law. Why isn't there a similar narrative for firefighters, which according to records is further from polemic and closer to achievement.

Hen (25) tried to commit suicide by jumping from the third floor of the Belmont Apartment, Meruya Ilir, Srengseng, West Jakarta. Hen's life was saved by officers from the West Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Gulkarmat).

Officers, in various outfits, climbed the side of the apartment building. With the safety harness attached to their bodies, they drew closer to Hen.

The trained officers then made sure Hen was safe by tying a rope around Hen's body. After that the officers persuaded Hen to return to the inside of the building.

"The victim was rescued at around 17.10 WIB. The officers persuaded the victim. Then evacuation was carried out from the apartment window," said Head of Operation Section (Kasiop) of West Jakarta Suket Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Sunday, November 21.

West Jakarta firefighters in action to rescue Hen (Source: Antara)

The suicide attempt had provoked hysterical local residents at first. But tensions eased after officers confirmed Hen's safety.

Meanwhile, the rescue action could not be separated from the role of the community who immediately reported to the West Jakarta Fire Service Post. When the officers got the report, they rushed to the spot. No need to report to the firefighters.

"The victim was successfully evacuated, the victim Indomaret employee attempted suicide," said Suket.

Separately, the Kembangan Police Chief Kompol H. Khoiri explained Hen's motive for trying to end his life. There is an online loan debt (pinjol) that entangles Hen, which amounts to Rp. 90 million.

Love the extinguisher
Photo illustration (Source: psychologicalscience.org)

"Because the firefighters have a crush on him. That's cool."

Intan's only answer was when she recalled the moment of her introduction to her husband, who is a member of the fire department. Her husband's profession makes Intan fall in love. That's it at first: cool. Intan never imagined the condition of her household in the future.

At that time, in 2018 Intan and her husband were married and had children. His feelings changed. She worries more every time she lets her husband go to work. Every departure is a risk of life. Intan and her husband realized that.

Intan even told how often she found her husband coming home in an 'worrying' condition. But for Intan, all of that is precisely what makes her even more proud of her husband and the profession he is in.

"If there is a jaya 65 (fire), it's a pity that his nails are burnt. His body is exposed to coals. His face is black," said Intan when interviewed by Kompas.com in the midst of the firefighter's 99th birthday celebration at the DKI Jakarta Gulkarmat Service Office.

Nining expressed a feeling of rhythm, who that day already had five children. Being married to a firefighter makes Nining often hit by 'excitement'. But the pride she feels is greater with the humanitarian work her husband does.

Nining also shared the worries that often surround him. She once had a moment where her husband was caught in the middle of a building fire that he couldn't remember his name. What is clear, he found the bad news on television.

Firefighters extinguish the fire in Kembangan, West Jakarta (Source: Special)

"I saw it on television. Oh God, he said Mr (husband) is trapped. I can only pray, keep praying. But thank God you are safe," said Nining.

Furthermore, Nining told how his life was in the fire circle. His father is a firefighter. Likewise with her sister. This work inspires generations of members in his family. His son was even currently undergoing firefighting education.

"I know (husband) because my father and my brother are firefighters. Keep close. They proposed," said Nining.

Perhaps today we often hear -- whether it's in the form of satire jokes or straight messages containing real ideas -- that the police are the ideal son-in-law. But, if you look at the stories of firefighters so far, this profession is in fact very worthy of our love.

Public perception of firefighters
Firefighters at the scene extinguished the fire (Rizky Sulistio/VOI)

A number of studies show that firefighting is one of the most respected professions in the world. They are believed to be respected as well. Studies conducted by Ipsos show that the firefighter profession is one of the most trusted by the public in the United States.

Even a study that helped raise public views on the welfare of the country's workers showed eight out of ten Americans expect better welfare for firefighters. They also believe firefighters' pensions should be publicly funded if they have served more than 20 years.

Apart from firefighters, the other most trusted professions are 911 officers, health workers, and teachers. Meanwhile, the most trusted professions are electoral officials and the police.

While in America, firefighters are the most trusted profession, in Canada, firefighters are listed as the most respected occupation. Insight West's marketing research shows 92 percent of Canadians responded positively to this online survey.

After firefighters, the second most respected job is nursing. Farmers trail both professions at number three. After that, there are scientists and engineers.

Domestically, a study conducted by Muh. Haikal from Makassar State University in 2019 showed a lack of public understanding of the work of firefighters. Yes, although the study also details the importance of firefighting duties.

Illustration of a fire (Source: Wikimedia Commons/DVIDSHUB)

There are three important aspects to see the crucial performance of the extinguisher. First, responsiveness. Firefighters are required to be responsive in their performance. Response on time is a basic achievement for firefighters.

Second, the quality of public services. The level of community satisfaction on the performance of firefighters is considered insufficient. Interestingly, this is not solely due to the work of the firefighters themselves, but the lack of public understanding about the duties and functions of firefighters.

The third aspect is time management. Firefighters are required to have a high commitment and ability to manage time, even in a narrow time. This is very important in minimizing disasters.

One of the reasons for the lack of understanding between the community and the work of firefighters is that there are still many people who do not understand the work of firefighters. In Jakarta, for example, firefighters are also known as Dinas Gulkarmat (Fire and Rescue).

Time and again they performed heroic actions, ranging from removing rings from people's fingers, taking ATM cards, helping residents remove handcuffs, to rescuing cats that fell in wells or evacuating wasps' nests.

Quoted from the Kumparan podcast program, Public Relations of the DKI Jakarta Gulkarmat Service, Saefulloh said that most rescues were carried out by evacuating snakes from residents' residences. In addition, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Gulkarmat Service, Satriadi Gunawan, said that this is what residents need to know, that the fire brigade is there to help.

"So residents don't have to worry about contacting the Gulkarmat Service because all reports will be responded to and there will be no charge at all," said Satriadi.

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