JAKARTA - As a general, of course Andika Perkasa has won a series of honors or brevet qualifications. He received a mark of honor both from within and outside the country. Let's dissect one by one.
In general, TNI soldiers who have carried out certain training and education in each force have the right to wear a certificate of proficiency or qualification in the form of a brevet which is recognized by a decree from the Army Treasury. There are three classifications of brevets determined by the Army Chief of Staff, as quoted by Henry S. Siswosoediro in the Smart Book of TNI Candidates. Main Brevet, Special Brevet, and Honorary Brevet.
The Main Brevet is obtained through education with a minimum training period of thirty days. The one who has the right to issue the main berevet is the Education Command or Education Center of each Force.
The Main Brevet is worn above the left shirt pocket. In order, the higher the brevet is, the sign of the main skill obtained according to the corps in question. Below that is the main berevet obtained outside the corps in question.
Judging from the clothes worn by General Andika, there are at least four Main Brevets. The first is the Special Forces Command Brevet.

As reported by the kopassus.mil.id page, the qualification mark for the Kopassus Command Brevet indicates that soldiers have been trained in education that includes capabilities in the fields of land, sea and air operations. Soldiers who are entitled to wear the Special Forces Command Brevet are those who have passed the Kopassus Command education for seven months.
Kopassus education is divided into three stages, namely base, mountain forest, and sea swamp. At the base stage, soldiers are trained in military physical development, field knowledge skills, knowledge of weapons, shooting, demolition, to military dexterity such as throwing knives, swimming, and self-defense.
Then at the forest mountain stage, there are tracking, anti-tracking, survival, and application of field science training. At the end of this stage, all soldiers are required to cross the field in full combat clothing from Batujajar to Cilacap as far as 500 km for about 1 week.
When they arrived in Cilacap, the soldiers entered the sea swamp stage. His training started with swimming across the strait to Nusakambangan Island. The training ended with an escape exercise, where soldiers were tortured for a full night without being allowed to divulge information.
Then the second is Brevet Cakra. This brevet was obtained after undergoing Chakra training for three months. This training includes survival, combat intelligence, patrolling, close combat, including physical training and military self-defense.

Then the third Brevet Free Fall (Free Fall). Usually this brevet is embedded after 1.5 months of taking the freefall course.

Fourth, Brevet Jump Master. To earn this mark of proficiency, soldiers must take a Jump Master course. Usually, as quoted by the paskhas.mil.id page, the Jump Master course lasts for two months.
A jump master must at least be able to master parachute folding techniques, spotting techniques, exit techniques, drift techniques, driving techniques, pattern techniques, and landing techniques, as well as emergency procedures.

Then fifth, the Kopassus Terror Countermeasures Brevet or Sat Gultor Brevet which is in the left pocket. Soldiers who are entitled to wear this brevet are those who have undergone education to enter Sat-81. This unit can be said to be elite troops. This is because members of Sat-81 or Gultor were selected from the Kopassus soldiers.

Sixth, Air Guidance Brevet (Pathfinder). Air Scouts are small troop units that are deployed to enemy territory before the main troops are deployed. It functions as a scout. Pathfinder soldiers must be able to read the conditions of the landing area, locate drop points, make signs, secure and report them.

If the Main Brevet and Special Brevet are located on the left of the shirt, the Honorary Brevet is attached to the right of the shirt. According to Siswosoediro in the Smart Book of Candidates for TNI Members, the Honorary Brevet is divided into two: Foreign and Domestic Honorary Brevet.
From the clothes worn by General Andika, there are at least six Honorary Brevets. The first is the Brevet Master Freefall Parachutist (United States Military). This military freefall brevet from the US Army, as quoted by the military.wikia.org page, was obtained after undergoing education at the US Army Special Warfare School and Center.

Then the second Brevet Master Parachutist (US Military). This brevet is given to qualified parachutists and jumpmasters who have made a minimum of 65 jumps with at least 25 times with combat equipment for 36 months.

Third, Brevet Air Assault (US Military). This honor is obtained by soldiers who graduated from the Air Assault School. These soldiers must also have the ability to attack from a helicopter or tiltrotor through rappeling and fast rope techniques, including rigging operations and slingloading operations.

Then fourth, Brevet Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal (US Military). This brevet is quite special, because the soldiers are trained to defuse explosives. They are also trained to handle the manufacture, disarmament, and disposal of high-explosive munitions including nuclear, biological, chemical and radioactive weapons.

Fifth, Australian Army Parachutist Brevet. This brevet is given by the Australian Army to parachutists who have met the requirements and have been placed in troop units that also have airborne qualifications.

And the last or sixth, is the Expert Markmanship Badge with Pistol Tab (US Military) Honorary Brevet. This brevet is only deserved by the US Army's highest-qualified shooter.

*Read other information about GENERAL ANDIKA PERKASA read another interesting article from Ramdan Febrian Arifin.
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