After More Than Two Months, Cirebon Records Deaths From COVID-19 Again
Funeral for COVID-19 Patients/Antara

CIREBON - Cases of death due to COVID-19 in Cirebon City, West Java, re-emerged after more than two months there were no additions or nothing.

"There is one additional death case after two months of being declared nil," quoted data from the Cirebon City COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) received in Cirebon, Thursday, October 21.

On Thursday, the number of deaths due to COVID-19 in Cirebon City increased by one person, after two months there were no additions or nothing.

So that with the addition of one death case, currently the accumulation from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic recorded 527 people who died from the new corona virus.

In addition to the addition of death cases, on the same day there was also one new positive confirmed case and the total was 12,794 people.

Not only have there been additional deaths and new positive confirmed cases, but one person has been declared cured, so 12,265 people have been recorded as free from COVID-19.

Meanwhile, the vaccination coverage in Cirebon City reached 87 percent of the target of 226,198 people, and this achievement brought Cirebon City to level 2 for the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

For the PPKM level, Cirebon City is the lowest when compared to other areas in the Ciayumajakuning area consisting of Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka, and Kuningan regencies/cities.

Of the five regions, only Cirebon City entered level 2, while the other four regions rose to level 3.*

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