Kusuma Ida Anjani. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

JAKARTA - Mustika Ratu is a company that was started by BRA Mooryati Soedibyo in 1975. But long before that, it started selling herbal medicine on a home scale and SMEs. Until now this company continues to grow and penetrate many fields. But still focus on beauty, natural health care and wellness.

In this pandemic period, when many companies are affected by the pandemic, Mustika Ratu, said Kusuma Ida Anjani or who is also the grandson of Mooryati Soedibyo and daughter of President Commissioner Djoko Ramiadji, shows an encouraging development. Sales data in semester 1 of 2021 shows an increase of more than 20 percent. This growth was largely contributed by the health sector. Because during this pandemic, health is the focus of everyone's attention so that they can be healthy, fit and maintained immunity.

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