Police Are Still Investigating The Case Of Fraudulent Donations Of Rp2 Trillion Akidi Tio, The Examination Of The South Sumatra Police Chief Will Be Reported To The National Police Chief

JAKARTA - The National Police stated that the South Sumatra Police investigation team was still investigating the case that the alleged donation of funds for handling COVID-19 was allegedly a lie from Akidi Tio's son. Investigators will determine whether there is a criminal offence.

"South Sumatran Police investigators will see there, whether the investigation has been carried out and will meet the elements suspected," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Tuesday, August 10.

During the investigation, the investigative team has examined several witnesses. Starting from Heryanti to several other parties.

On the other hand, regarding the examination of the South Sumatran Police Chief, Inspector General Eko Indra Heri, Argo emphasized that it could not be conveyed to the public. The reason is that the inspection is internal.

"We can't tell, because it relates to the internal police," said Argo.

However, the results of the examination will be handed over to the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Then, the possible results become the basis for follow-up related to the issue.

"This is an internal problem, and the results will be reported to the National Police Chief," said Argo.

Previously, the South Sumatra Police Chief apologized directly to the entire community regarding the Rp2 trillion grant from the late Akidi Tio, whose whereabouts were not clear.

The apology was conveyed by the Regional Police Chief accompanied by the Head of Public Relations, Police Commissioner Supriyadi at the promoter building of the South Sumatra Regional Police Headquarters, Palembang, Thursday.

"I apologize to all Indonesian people, especially the National Police Chief, the leadership at the National Police Headquarters, members of the National Police, the South Sumatran community, religious and traditional leaders including the South Sumatra Forkompinda, the Governor, the Regional Military Commander and the Danrem," he said.

He admitted that the fault lay with him personally for not being careful in ensuring the projected donation for the COVID-19 response to South Sumatra which was mandated to him until it finally caused a commotion.

"The commotion that occurred can be said as my weakness as an individual. I as a human being ask for forgiveness. This happened due to my carelessness," he said.

The Kapolda also forgave the family of the late Akidi Tio, who currently have five people appointed as witnesses by the general criminal investigation team, namely Heryanti Tio, Rudi Sutadi, Kelvin (a family of the son of the late Akidi Tio), Dr. Hardi Darmawan (family private doctor) and the other is not yet identified.

"Regardless of whether or not these funds are available, I have forgiven the family of the late Akidi Tio," said the Kapolda.

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