Netizens Slapped Back Praise Rp2 Trillion Prank Donation Akidi Tio, Denny Siregar: Have You Ever Defended Ratna Sarumpaet Too?
Social Media Activist Denny Siregar (Photo: Screenshot of CokroTV)

JAKARTA - Social Media Activist Denny Siregar was 'attacked' by netizens after an old video containing praise to the family of the late Akidi Tio was circulated. The video clip of Denny Siregar was first shared by the Twitter account @CakK**** and has been watched by thousands of netizens.

Gerindra politician Fadli Zon also retweeted the 1 minute video clip. In the video, Denny Siregar mentions what the deceased's family did to slap all the new rich people who find it difficult to donate to the handling of COVID-19 in the country.

"Let's hear again the sky-high praise from @Dennysiregar7 for the 2T donation from Akidi Tio," tweeted the account @CakK****

In the video, Denny said that the generosity of the deceased slapped all of us, all rich people in Indonesia but poor in social actions to provide assistance for handling COVID-19.

"Maybe what the late Mr. Akidi Tio, a businessman from South Sumatra, who was not known by his name, did to all of us, slapped all of us, slapped a new rich man whose wealth can still be counted but has already called himself the sultan,"

"It looks like the artist is busy showing off cars and luxury houses but not the slightest bit of aid is heard for humanity. Slapping racist people who donate but still looking at who to help and what religion, including he slapped me too," said Denny in the video.

With the good attitude of the deceased, it should be an example for all of us to continue to do good without needing to be seen on the surface. At the end of his praise, Denny thanked the deceased's family.

"Oh yes, the one who likes to appear in the cockroach, yes, that's not getting slapped and slapped back and forth like a photocopy," quipped the account @abahn****

"If this isn't a slap anymore... the injectors are still not aware. m," replied the account @hdsam****

"Thank you Mr. @denisiregar07 for the entertainment," tweeted @SamudraE****

Separately through his Twitter account @Dennysiregar7, Denny admitted that he was also 'pranked' by the actions of the deceased's son.

"Yes, I admit that I was pranked. I was wrong because I believed too much. His name is also happy that someone wants to give help... Have you ever been, right? When you were with Ratna Sarumpaet?," tweeted Denny.

Heryanti, the son of the late Akidi Tio, was named a suspect in a hoax case involving Rp2 trillion in aid for handling COVID-19 in South Sumatra. Herianti is still being investigated intensively by investigators.

"The suspect's motive is currently under investigation. What is clear is that HR (Heriyanti, the youngest child of the late Akidi Tio) has become a suspect. We have also secured Prof H (Hardi Darmawan) for questioning. 1 of 1946 articles 15 and 16 and will be subject to severe sanctions of more than 10 years," said Director of Intelligence and Security at the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Ratno Kuncoro in Palembang, Monday, August 2.

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