Noise For Discourse For 3 Periods Still Being Discussed, NasDem Challenges Politics To Get Out Of The Electoral Trap

JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPP NasDem Party, Willy Aditya, assessed that the fuss over the discourse of power politics such as the three-term presidential term is becoming shallower.

Willy then challenged think-tanks, civil society, and politicians to get out of the trap of lowly electoral politics. Because, according to him, politics has the task of educating the public which is far behind from other current political tasks.

“Those quantitative approaches are completely misleading. We have to get out of that. If we continue to follow it, the quality of our democracy will be at stake,” said Willy, Friday, June 25.

According to the deputy chairman of the NasDem faction in the DPR RI, the question of candidates based on religion, ethnicity, and narrow populist politics also needs to be restored. Replaced with a scientific approach, ability, track record, and leadership virtue.

“In NasDem, we continue to carry this out. This idealistic scientific political stance does have consequences and we have accepted it," he said.

"Pak Surya Paloh as an example once said that he dreamed of having Woworuntu from Sulawesi, Siagian from Sumatra, black skin and curly hair from Papua to become President of Indonesia and that he really fought for through the NasDem Party," continued Willy.

Willy explained that the political struggle in Indonesia after the New Order had far left efforts to build a national narrative. National politics, he said, was dwarfed by just being busy putting oneself in power.

“National narratives in our politics and our social world are becoming increasingly rare. I challenge civil society, activists, and other parties, let's together reactivate national politics. This is a joint task, we do this hand-in hand, "said Willy.

The member of Commission I of the House of Representatives also reminded that politics needs to be returned to the realm of non-discrimination of nationality, of human nobility, which is a noble step for the constitutional ideals.

“That's why restoration is important. If on the one hand, electoral politics is the thesis and political populism is the antithesis, then we need to build a synthesis, a way out," said Willy.

"I actually avoid theorizing. But the facts we see are the same. So, fellow activists, civil society, politicians, let's go with these facts, we will make a solution, we will run a restoration program," he explained.

Willy added that the national narrative that has become increasingly faint in the community will continue to produce shallow politics if there is no serious effort to change it.

"It can't be fast, but it has to start. A national narrative that is no longer vis a vis religion, culture, ethnicity, rich-poor. We need to revive that, that restoration, in the world of Indonesian politics,” said Willy.

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