It Turns Out That Grandpa In Buleleng Was Killed With Crowbar By His Son, Miras Trigger

BULELENG - The persecution that led to the death of Wayan Purna (72) was done by his own son named Gede Darmika (51).

The victim was immediately arrested after the incident. Father and son in Buleleng farm daily.

"Allegedly done Gede Darmika the victim's son," sumarjaya said, Monday, May 17, night.

Allegations meanwhile, this abuse was triggered by alcohol. A second commotion ensued until the victim was mauled to death.

"The incident, occurred starting from the noise due to drinking and the motive is still under investigation. Alleged perpetrators commit violence using iron and are still developed for modus operandi or how to do deeds," he added.

The victim died from head, hand to toe injuries. The trigger is a hard hit.

"And there is blood on the hands due to head injuries," sumarjaya said.

Police have previously said the victim was mauled to death with a crowbar. The case was handled by Buleleng Police.

"The tool used crowbar," said Sumarjaya.

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