PBNU Calls For Israeli Military Aggression In Palestine To Be Stopped
Ketum PBNU K.H. Said Aqil Siroj (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board called for an end to Israeli military aggression in Palestine to end the humanitarian crisis.

"Immediately stop the military aggression committed by Israel against the Palestinians. This is a humanitarian tragedy that cannot be allowed and tolerated," PBNU Chairman K.H. Said Aqil Siroj was quoted as saying by Antara on Monday, May 17.

The PBNU also condemned and strongly condemned the Israeli military aggression that has ravaged Palestine while taking the lives of innocent civilians.

Kiai Said encouraged ceasefire efforts from both sides so that humanitarian aid could enter and the Palestinian situation recovered as usual.

The PBNU urged the United Nations and the international community to take swift steps to agree a ceasefire.

"This is part of the international community's responsibility to address conflicts that harm humanity," he said.

PBNU also encourages the Indonesian government to rally support and take important efforts in realizing Palestinian sovereignty while ending the humanitarian conflict that occurred so as to create world peace and security.

Since the NU's 13th Muktamar in Menes, Banten, in 1938, Nahdlatul Ulama has expressed support for Palestinian independence and sovereignty as an independent nation.

"Therefore, we continue to uphold the stance to convey the view and attitude that for us Palestine is a sovereign nation. We also urge all parties to have a dialogue so that violence does not happen again in the efforts to enforce Palestinian sovereignty," he said.

PBNU urges all Muslims to do their utmost to maintain solidarity among Muslims for the erasing of colonization on earth and for the establishment of human rights that uphold the principle of independence and sovereignty.

"Let's extend help and love to our brothers and sisters in Palestine through NU-Care Lazisnu. Our helping hand and our solidarity and support will mean a lot to our brothers and sisters in Palestine," said Said Aqil.

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