Persecution Of Nurses At Siloam Palembang By Jason Tjakrawinata, PERSI Facilitating Legal Aid For Health Workers Threatened
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The case of mistreatment of nurses at Siloam Sriwijaya Hospital by the patient's family has been criticized by the Association of Indonesian Hospitals (PERSI). To prevent this incident from happening again, the Chairman of PERSI Kuntjoro Adi said that his party would provide legal assistance for health workers in hospitals in need.

"PERSI provides legal advocacy assistance and assistance to hospitals that need all problems to be resolved and upheld as fairly as possible," said Kuntjoro in his statement, Sunday, April 18.

According to Kuntjoro, services to all patients at the hospital must be carried out with high trust in the hospital and set out in a written agreement in the agreement before carrying out treatment.

"This is intended so that the healing effort can run well, safely with full responsibility by all hospital staff who are directly or indirectly involved in patient care," he said.

Then, he continued, the hospital service standards very clearly state that there must be legal protection for health workers and medical personnel as well as protection against violence that occurs, whether under any circumstances.

This is because, according to Article 50 of the Medical Practice Law, it is stated that every doctor and dentist in practicing medicine has the right to legal protection.

Then, based on Article 36 of Law Number 38 of 2014 concerning Nursing, it is stated that nurses in carrying out nursing practice are entitled to legal protection as long as they carry out their duties in accordance with service standards, professional standards, standard operating procedures, and statutory provisions.

"We also urge the public to give more empathy to hospital staff who are serving patients with all their risks and help carry out all medical decisions according to the rules of competence, hospital flow and provisions," he concluded.

Previously reported, the video of the patient's family abuse of nurses at Siloam Sriwijaya Hospital, Palembang, South Sumatra, went viral on social media. The man in the hat and red shirt grabbed the female nurse.

The persecution took place at Siloam Hospital Palembang on Thursday, April 15th. At that time, the female nurse was persecuted by the patient's family man. There are other nurses separating, but the man in the red shirt and the white hat is still targeting the female nurse.

The police have arrested a man with the initials JS who beat the nurse at Siloam Hospital, Palembang. JS was arrested in the Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) area, South Sumatra.

The perpetrator is known to be named Jason Tjakrawinata aka JT who apologized for the incident. He admitted that he was emotional because he was tired and had been looking after his child for four days. He confessed his actions and confessed regret.

Jason is now being detained under layered articles related to maltreatment and damage to property in accordance with Article 351 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a sentence of 2 years 8 months in prison.

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