Buni Yani Join, Ummat Party Made By Amien Rais Must Determine Ideology
Amien Rais (Photo: PAN.or.id)

JAKARTA - Political observer Pangi Syarwi Chaniago considers it natural to join the former convict for the spread of hate speech, Buni Yani, to the Ummat Party.

However, Pangi focused more on the ideological basis of Amien Rais' party. According to him, it would be great if the party bearing the shield and gold star from the beginning determined its position, whether as a nationalist party or an Islamic party.

"The Ummat Party can certainly be good, if it can take a position as an ideological party. It could be that the right (ideological) party could become a left (ideological) party, because these two parties have a basis in terms of ideological polarization, issues of sentiment, populism and image. They clearly have a base segment that hardens on ideological polarization, "said Pangi when contacted by VOI, Friday, March 5.

"For example, the PDIP, why do they always defend nationalist narratives. Then they disagree with Islamic law, are uncomfortable with issues that are more towards Islam. But somehow they are successful and have a niche that they have," he continued.

According to Pangi, if we turn back to where Amien Rais and Buni Yani are concerned about the issue of defending Islam, then the Ummat Party should take a niche vote from Muslim sympathizers.

"Likewise, the Ummah Party is able to take the sentiment of taking a larger segment of the niche. It is okay to take the niche of the Muslim ummah column, they will play the polarization of the issue about defending Islam, they must have a basis," he explained.

"But it won't be big either, unless they make sure all Muslims vote for the Ummah Party," added Pangi.

Pangi admitted that at this time it was somewhat impossible to negate ideology. Moreover, many youth parties, millennial parties, digital parties, and so on do not have clear segments, making it difficult to maintain a voter base.

"So in the future there will indeed be parties that have a future, it is an ideological party. Now I see that the Ummat Party is actually an ideological party, it is just how to manage and play out the issues that will block each other's ideology, nationalism or Islam," he explained. Pangi.

Pangi added that the ideological election was part of a strategy to take a segment of the voters. "Moreover, yesterday Gerindra was actually not a party (Islam, ed) but could take Islamic voters by playing the issue if the ideology was (nationalist, red). It is the same as the PDIP. That was the success in playing an issue that was quite successful in gaining votes," he said.

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