Democrat Party KLB Appointed General Chair, Moeldoko: OK, We Accept It!
The atmosphere of the Democrat Party Outbreak (Capture Screen Kompas TV)

JAKARTA - The Extraordinary Democrat Party Congress (KLB) in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, elected Moeldoko as General Chair for the 2021-2025 period. When appointed, the Presidential Chief of Staff was not at the KLB location.

It is not yet known where Moeldoko was when the Democrat Party outbreak took place. But shortly after the decision was issued, one of the Democratic KLB participants, Darmizal tried to contact Moeldoko by telephone. Darmizal asked Moeldoko to give direction to the cadres of the Democratic Party.

"Before this break, we hope you can convey a few words", said Darmizal at The Hill Hotel and Resort, Deli Serdang, Friday, March 5.

"Ladies and gentlemen, answer my questions to make sure, please answer them. Is this KLB by AD/ART (Statutes and bylaws) or not?", said Moeldoko to the participants. Darmizal's phone was turned on by a loudspeaker and connected to a microphone so that all participants could be heard.

"Appropriate", replied the KLB participant compactly.

"Secondly, I want you to be serious about choosing me to lead the Democratic Party, seriously or not?", asked Moeldoko.

"Seriously!", replied the KLB participant.

"I want to know your seriousness, working for the red and white above the interests of the group?", asked Moeldoko again.

"Red and white", they replied boisterously.

"Thus, I respect your decision. Okay, we accept it", concluded Moeldoko.

Moeldoko was elected as Chairman of the Democratic Party in an extraordinary congress (KLB) which was held at The Hill Sibolangit Hotel, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, Friday, March 5. Moeldoko defeated Marzuki Alie, after the names of both were submitted by KLB participants in the trial.

"Hereby decides Mr. Moeldoko as the General Chair of the Democratic Party for the period 2021-2025", said Chairman of the Assembly Jhoni Allen.

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