Democrat KLB Getting More Unanimous, Founders Disappointed AHY Cannot Lead The Party
Democratic founder Hencky L Fortune (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

JAKARTA - The founders of the Democratic Party have one vote in support of the extraordinary congress (KLB) which plans to take over the leadership of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). One by one the party wing organizations have expressed their stance, including the Democratic Youth Cadre (KMD) and the Democrat Youth Force (AMD).

One of the founders of the Democratic Party, Hencky Luntung said that support was made by the founders of the Democratic Party in the context of rescue because AHY was deemed incapable of leading the party bearing the mercy symbol.

"First, as founders, we see the chaos that occurs due to not having a party leader. Underline, the inability of the party leader, in this case Brother AHY. Underline, don't be afraid," said Hencky Luntung at a press conference in the Mega area. Kuningan, South Jakarta, Saturday, February 27th.

According to him, there is no other solution to save and return the Democratic Party to its position as a nationalist, religious and humanist party other than KLB.

"Because of that inability, we founders agreed to find a solution. What is the solution? Nothing. There is an extraordinary outbreak and congress that must be carried out in order to save the party and our attitude to unravel this problem is to carry out an outbreak without any resentment, without any. a sense of hatred, without any sense of discredit, "said Hencky.

Hencky emphasized that the founders would be actively involved in the implementation of the KLB later. He admitted that he was disappointed by the dismissal of the PD cadre without deliberation.

"The implementation of the KLB, the founders of the party will be actively involved in guarding, returning the Democratic Party to us before. Then, people come, not fire. If there is a problem, sit at one table, and that's what has been done from the start," he said.

Hencky also encourages anyone to enter the KLB, both from internal and external elements. "The Democrat method when we decided was an open party, anyone could enter, so that the founders agreed to an extraordinary congress involving internal and external ones. It's up to who will decide, who wants external names, who wants internal ones," he explained.

He also considered that PD would not survive if it adhered to a dynastic system. "The party will not survive in this dynastic way," he concluded.

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