It Was Revealed That John Kei's Dispute With Nus Kei Made A Scene, The Beginning Of Live Instagram
Follow-up hearing related to John Kei and Nus Kei (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Agrapinus Romatora alias Nus Kei said the video content that triggered his fight with his biological uncle, John Kei, came from a live broadcast on his son's Instagram account.

In his testimony at the West Jakarta District Court, Nus Kei said the video was made by his son while in front of the house.

"So that's my son, live on Instagram. He was in front of the house and my son was also recorded by his neighbors. But inside he didn't say anything, didn't have anything to do with it, ”said Nus Kei as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 24.

Nus Kei explained that the videos on her child's Instagram have various content, including entertainment content to analysis.

In John Kei's indictment, it was explained that the Instagram video triggered the anger of his group over content that seemed to be downfall. From here the beginning of planning the attack against Nus Kei.

When met after the trial, Nus Kei explained that her son was not friends with John Kei's followers on social media.

"He took the live IG from my child's IG. My child is not friends with them, but I don't know why they know my son's (account), "he said.

Nus Kei admitted that she had just learned of the video in question from the information released at Polda Metro Jaya.

According to him, his child's Instagram content is only about entertainment such as singing while playing guitar.

Nus Kei said that if John Kei's group considers the contents of the video to be untrue, they should immediately report the content to her.

“There's no discrediting John Kei. I don't know when the video was, when he was at Polda, ”he said.

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