National Police Chief: There Is No Excuse For 2 Police Officers Who Broker KKB Weapons
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ordered his staff to take firm action against two police officers involved in the case of buying and selling firearms (senpi) to the Papua Armed Criminal Group (KKB).

"Of course, with regard to member violations, it is clear that our attitude is firm like that," Listyo Sigit told reporters, Tuesday, February 23.

Firm action against the two police officers because their actions had a big impact. This is because KKB is a group that often spreads terror which does not hesitate to injure or even kill civilians.

That way, Listyo asked the two police officers not only to be penalized. Because, they also have to be sanctioned internally.

"We have to process firmly internally, we will proceed with the criminal process. That is what we will not defend," he said.

Previously, Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said the roles of the two were known based on the results of the interim examination. It's just that, until now the examination is still ongoing to explore various things.

"As an intermediary or in the process of buying and selling ammunition and weapons itself. His role will be deeper after the investigation is complete," said Rusdi.

Apart from the roles of the two police officers, Rusdi said that his party was investigating the involvement of other elements. In fact, the Police's Professional and Security Division (Propam) also intervened.

"So the Papua Regional Police and the Maluku Regional Police are still investigating and the Police Headquarters propam team has gone down to the Maluku Regional Police to study it too," he said.

"We are not yet able to conclude the extent to which the alleged sales of weapons and ammunition to the KKB are still being explored," he continued.

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