Piercer Syekh Ali Jaber Charged 10 Years In Prison, Legal Counsel: Prosecutor's Claim Does Not Fit The Facts Of The Trial
The accused of stabbing Syeh Ali Jabers (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Public Prosecutor (JPU) Abdullah Noer Deny charged the accused stabbing Syekh Ali Jaber with a prison sentence of 10 years.

"Asking the panel of judges to sentence the defendant Alpin Adrian to ten years in prison," he said in a virtual trial at the Tanjungkarang District Court, Lampung, Antara, Thursday, February 18.

According to Deny, the defendant's actions violated Article 340 of the Criminal Code, namely premeditated murder. It is burdensome, the defendant's actions have endangered the lives of others.

"This has made it easier for the defendant to regret his actions and have apologized to the victim," he said.

Ardiansyah, the defendant's legal adviser, said he strongly objected to the prosecutor's demands. According to him, the demands and the articles imposed by the prosecutor were not appropriate.

"The prosecutor's demands are not in accordance with the facts of the trial. The video has also proven that the stab was aimed at the hand, not in a vital direction," said Ardiansyah.

According to him, the right articles for his client are Article 351 paragraph (2) concerning persecution with a maximum sentence of five years.

"Not article 340. That's the premeditated murder article," he said.

As previously reported, Syekh Ali Jaber was stabbed on Sunday, September 13 2020 at around 17:20 WIB while attending the one million hafidz program in Lampung at the Falahuddin Mosque in Sukajawa Village, Tanjung Karang Barat District (TKB), Bandarlampung City.

Syekh Ali Jaber suffered a stab wound 4 centimeters deep and security and medication had been taken.

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