Commission II DPR Cancel Deliberation On Election Bill
Illustration / Plenary Room DPR (Mery Handayani / VOI)

JAKARTA - Commission II of the Regional House of Representatives (DPR) has agreed not to continue the discussion of the Election Bill (RUU Pemilu) which revises the provisions of the previous electoral law.

Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, said that the decision to cancel the Election Bill was also agreed upon by the leaders of each party faction in the parliament.

"By observing the latest developments of each political party, we agree not to continue this discussion (the Election Bill)", said Doli at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, February 10.

Doli explained that the decision from Commission II of the DPR of Republic Indonesia would be submitted to the DPR leadership. Furthermore, it will be discussed by Deliberative Council and DPR Legislative. In this discussion, each faction will present its opinion on the Election Bill.

"Deliberative Council decides what kind of thing, that's the official view of each faction in the DPR and then submitted to Legislative. Then, later we want to discuss with the government about the list Prolegnas (national legislation program)", he explained.

Regarding the discourse of issuing a revision of the Law on Elections from the list of priority Prolegnas in 2021, he said the decision was made through other organs of the council, this case in DPR Legislation.

"Whether the question was whether you want to be dropped or not, the authority lies with other agencies", he said.

For information, on November 26, 2020, the Indonesian Parliament drafted the proposed Election Law (RUU Pemilu). This bill, if passed, will revise the existing electoral laws.

One of the provisions contained in the Election Bill is to normalize the Regional Election (Pilkada) schedule. From the 2017 Pilkada to 2022 and the 2018 Pilkada to 2023. This bill revises the provisions of Law Number 10 of 2016 which stipulate that the next Pilkada be synchronized in 2024.

Initially, only the PDI Perjuangan party faction noted that they actually wanted the local elections to be held in 2024.

Then, it was reported that President Joko Widodo held discussions with political party leaders, one of which discussed the implementation of Regional Elections. Until finally, Commission II of the DPR RI said it would cancel the discussion of the Election Bill.

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