Minister Of Health Budi Hopes That Health Workers Are No Longer Afraid Of Handling COVID-19 After Being Vaccinated
Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin has been vaccinated against COVID-19 twice. Health workers, he said, would also receive a second injection of the vaccine in the first phase of the vaccination program.

Budi said that the immune system to the virus after vaccination will appear several weeks after receiving two vaccine injections.

After that, Budi hopes that health workers can work to handle COVID-19 patients without any fear of contracting the corona virus.

"The antibodies may be formed in two weeks or three weeks. After that, God willing, our risk of contracting will be smaller. So, they can work more calmly, friends of health workers," Budi said at the State Palace, Wednesday, January 27. .

Previously, President Joko Widodo targeted one million health workers to be vaccinated in the near future. Jokowi admitted that within days of the commencement of the first batch of vaccination, the government had just received approximately 250 thousand health workers who had been vaccinated.

However, after there are technical improvements in vaccination in the field, in one day the number of people being injected can increase. In one day, Jokowi believes that a day there can be 50 thousand health workers receiving vaccinations.

"We expect the target (like that), because we have 30 thousand vaccinators, there are approximately 10 thousand of our health centers, as well as in our 3,500 hospitals, we actually hope that at least 900 to one million can be vaccinated. This is a target but this is indeed it takes time, good field management, "said Jokowi.

He added that health workers are the top priority for recipients of this vaccine. After health personnel, there are TNI, Polri and public and community servants.

"I think in February they will be able to enter there (people receive the vaccine)," said Jokowi.

It is known, the vaccine produced by Sinovac does require two injections at a dose of 0.5 milliliter and is 14 days apart.

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