Bandung Police Force Arrested Private Tutoring Teacher Who Kidnapped Children And Took Her To Medan
Kapolrestabes Bandung Kombes Ulung Sampurna Jaya (ANTARA)

BANDUNG - The Bandung Police Criminal Investigation Unit Team arrested a woman with the initials SA (24) who works as a private teacher, for kidnapping a girl with the initials KJV (9) until she was taken to Medan, North Sumatra.

Kapolrestabes Bandung Kombes Ulung Sampurna Jaya said the SA perpetrator kidnapped the child with the motive of being attracted to the child. The victim, said Ulung, was kidnapped since December 15, 2020.

"Between the victim and the perpetrator were familiar, so the perpetrator loved the child and was eventually taken," said Ulung as quoted by Antara in Bandung, Monday, January 25.

The kidnapping case started when the perpetrator asked permission from the victim's parents to take the victim to play to a shopping center on Jalan Kepatihan, Bandung City.

At that time, the perpetrator asked for this permission, when the victim and the victim's family were at a restaurant located on Jalan Supratman, Bandung City.

After being allowed, the perpetrator and the victim finally went to the shopping center to buy clothes for the victim, as well as playing.

However, said Ulung, the victim's parents lost news with their child after more than two hours had passed. In addition, the perpetrator cannot be contacted by the victim's family.

"His son was taken to Medan, where it was discussed on social media. Thank God, our investigators managed to find the victim," said Ulung.

Although there was no element of threat or bargaining between the perpetrator and the victim, Ulung said that the act was purely part of the element of kidnapping in accordance with Article 330 and Article 332 of the Criminal Code.

Ulung also ensured that the nine-year-old victim was in good health and treated well by the perpetrator.

"She is staying in Medan in a rented room, she feels comfortable because she's with underage children, the perpetrator will face a sentence of seven years in prison," said Ulung.

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