Sexual Action Of Same-Kind COVID-19 Patients And Health Workers Of Wisma Athlete Done 2 Times
Wisma Atlet (DOK. Ministry of PUPR)

JAKARTA - The police said that the COVID-19 patient with the initials JM and the health worker (nakes) Wisma Atlet had had sex with the same sex twice.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Burhanuddin, said same-sex relations were carried out on December 24 and 25, 2020.

"Individual health workers came to the JM suspect to tower 5 (the isolation location). Finally they met on December 24, 2020, they had same-sex relations," Burhanuddin told reporters, Tuesday, January 19.

This health worker takes off his personal protective equipment (PPE). Sexual acts of the same sex were committed in the bathroom of the suspect JM's treatment room.

A day later, the two of them returned to having a sex relationship They did it again in the bathroom.

"The act repeated December 25, the same act. The health worker was released from PPE again. With the suspect JM's condition in a positive condition," said Burhanuddin.

Luckily, the health personnel did not catch COVID-19. He tested negative after two PCR swab tests.

"It is not contagious, these medical personnel are negative," he said.

The suspect JM was charged with Article 36 concerning pornography and Article 45 paragraph 1 and Article 27 paragraph 1 concerning ITE. This article regulates the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of 6 years and a fine of Rp1 billion.

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