FK UMI-AMDA Indonesia Sends 15 Doctors And Students To West Sulawesi
An earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale in Mamuju and Majene, West Sulawesi (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Faculty of Medicine of the Muslim University of Indonesia (FK UMI) together with The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA) Indonesia sent 15 volunteers to the location of the West Sulawesi (Sulbar) earthquake.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of UMI Makassar Prof. Dr. Syarifuddin Wahid Sp.PA (K) said that volunteers consisting of doctors and medical students would join other volunteers and maximize services to the victims.

"Based on data from BPBD, there are hundreds of residents who suffered serious injuries and minor injuries, all of whom needed medical assistance," he said in Makassar, quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 17.

The team coordinated by the Head of the FK-UMI Research, Publication, and Community Service Unit (UP3M), Dr. Armanto Makmun together with AMDA-Indonesia, will immediately disperse when they arrive at their destination.

The medical personnel who were dispatched included 4 doctors and 11 medical students. They are equipped with standard personal protective equipment (PPE) and go through a rapid antigen screening process.

The Volunteer Team's activities will last one week and this team is the first team and also evaluates the needs and problems that occur in Mamuju.

Furthermore, it will be input as well as preparation for the departure of the next team that will be released next week.

In addition to the medical team consisting of doctors and medical students, the team also brought assistance intended for residents of Mamuju, Majene and surrounding areas who were affected by the earthquake in the form of food, medicine, clothing and PPE.

This team will form a health post with a team that has been formed on site to provide health services that are badly needed by residents affected by this earthquake.

In his direction, the President of AMDA-Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Andi Husni Tanra encouraged the volunteer teams to go to the disaster area.

He said that this humanitarian activity was a heart call with sincerity that would receive a tremendous reply from Allah SWT.

"Hopefully, we will continue to maintain health, considering that it is still in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Follow health protocols," he said.

Dean of FK-UMI, Prof. Dr. Syarifuddin Wahid Sp.PA (K) added, building humanism, humanity, calling to serve, are important things.

"For us, as doctors it is an inherent responsibility and it is hoped that this calamity will become a wisdom for us all," he said.

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