Raffi Ahmad Reported Prokes Case, Metro Jaya Police Chief Asked Immediately Determine Suspects
Polda Metro Jaya (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

JAKARTA - The Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran, was asked to immediately establish Raffi Ahmad as a suspect in a case of suspected violation of the health and crowd protocol. The case related to Raffi Ahmad has been reported to the police.

The Head of Information and Communication for the DPP Defenders of the Unity of the Unified Indonesian Homeland, Lisman Hasibuan, said that the letter of request sent to the Regional Police Chief had been received. The reporter is waiting for police follow-up.

"There is already a receipt from the Chief of Police, it is asking Raffi Ahmad and his friends to be arrested," Lisman told reporters on Friday, January 15.

Meanwhile, for reporting, said Lisman, it is still in the coordination meeting stage. Later, the results of the meeting will determine whether the report is accepted or not.

"Earlier we went to Cyber Crime, this is still in the coordination stage and continues to be related to the SPKT issue," he said.

Lisman said the reason behind the reporting was because Raffi Ahmad gave a bad example. In fact, as a public figure, Raffi Ahmad is said to have to exemplify good things during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"He is a public figure, he is an influencer, just injected vaccines with the president, he continues to hold parties without wearing masks, as if there is nothing COVID-19," he said.

The crowd became known after a number of photos of Raffi Ahmad attending an event spread on social media for some time. In fact, Raffi's involvement in the crowd was after he got the chance for the first vaccination at the State Palace.

In the photo circulating, Raffi Ahmad and his wife, Nagita Slavina, took a photo without wearing a mask and keeping a distance from a number of people, including Gading Marten and Anya Geraldine.

The police have intervened to investigate this matter. The police then asked several witnesses about the alleged violation of the prokes.

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