Russia Will Use All Military Weapons If Ukraine Tries To Reclaim Crimea, Including Nuclear?
Dmitry Medvedev. (Wikimedia Commons/men's

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev warned that Ukraine's efforts to retake Crimea would be sufficient reason for Russia to use all existing weapons, including weapons regulated in its nuclear doctrine.

"As far as some serious attacks involve attempts to retake Crimea, it is clear that this will form the basis for the use of all means of protection, including those provided by the basic doctrine of nuclear deterrence, when the use of any kind of weapon against Russia poses a threat to the existence of the state," Medvedev said in an interview., reported TASS March 24.

Medvedev explained, "The attempt to separate from the country is tantamount to the addition to the existence of the country itself."

"Therefore, make your own conclusions: there is a clear reason to use any weapon. It really exists," he said.

"I hope our 'friends' across the ocean realize this," Medvedev warned.

At the same time, Medvedev believes that Ukraine's statement about "restring" Crimea is mostly propaganda.

"All kinds of statements about reclaiming Crimea or something else... you know, this is propaganda and should be treated like that. You always see it in times of war," he concluded.

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