Traumaless, Jane Shalimar Is Ready To Marry Again
Jane Shalimar (Photo: Savic Rabos, Digital Imaging: Ilham Amin)

JAKARTA - Jane Shalimar's third marriage to Arsya Wijaya ran aground again. After getting divorced three times, Jane chose to stay in Jakarta and left Arsya in Bandung. Jane, who was about to file for divorce, was shocked to find that her marriage was not registered, so her divorce only needed to be resolved religiously.

Now, Jane Shalimar is back on her feet. She accepted her destiny to return to widowhood. "Everything has a silver lining, you don't want to be taken behind too much. So you don't have to take care of this court more casually," he explained.

Family support also strengthens him. "I tried to survive and forgive but what got worse. After I explained it to my family, they gave it to me. They said that if you lift a load that can't be carried away, let it go. Because if you force it, I'll be damaged," he recalled.

This problem made him more mature in thinking. "I don't want to be provoked into polemics. I prefer to do self-treatment. I calm myself, be provoked like anything so that I will be angry with me. I just turn to Allah, I think there are still many who love me. My family and my friends. my year so there is no need for clarification, "he said.

Jane is grateful for the many support and friendship that has been established with friends who feel sympathy for her.

Future matchmaking affairs Jane Shalimar take it easy. Asked if she was traumatized, Jane admitted that she was not traumatized. "No, it's normal. If there is a mate, you can marry again," he said.

"I leave everything to Allah, I want work, happy, sad I complained to Allah. I am sure this all will not happen if God is not sure I can handle it. When I fail I beg forgiveness from Allah. If I say I am married to divorce I say no. someone wants this to happen. I focus on managing my future. I want to go to college again, want to focus on my child, "said Jane Shalimar.

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