Prosecutor Pinangki Disappears Malasari Sentenced To 4 Years In Prison
Prosecutor Pinangki Disappears Malasari (Photo: Rizky / VOI)

JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) charged Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari with imprisonment for 4 years and a fine of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to 6 months.

The prosecutor assessed that Pinangki was proven guilty and convinced him to accept gratification in the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa arrangement for Joko Tjandra. For that, the prosecutor asked the judge to find Pinangki guilty.

"(Demanding a panel of judges) Sentenced the defendant Dr. Pinangki Sirna Malasari to 4 years imprisonment, reduced while the defendant is in detention," the team of prosecutors told the Attorney General's Office when reading Pinangki's demands at the Corruption Court in Central Jakarta, Monday, 11 January.

In their demands, the prosecutor also considered things that were burdensome and burdensome for Pinangki. What is burdensome for Pinangki is considered not to support the government to eradicate corruption, collusion and nepotism.

Meanwhile, what made it easier for Pinangki to admit and regret his actions. Then, the prosecutor also considered Pinangki's child who was still 4 years old.

"Things that are mitigating, the defendant has never been convicted, the defendant regretted his actions and promised not to repeat, the defendant still has a 4 year old child," he said.

For your information, in this case, Pinangki is considered to have played a major role in arranging the MA fatwa through the Attorney General's Office so that Joko Tjandra, who is a fugitive in the corruption case for the transfer of collection rights (cessie), Bank Bali, is not executed. In fact, referring to the PK decision No. 12 dated 11 June 2009, he must serve a two-year prison term.

In the process, the former Head of Sub Division of Monitoring and Evaluation II at the Planning Bureau of the Deputy Attorney General for the Development of the AGO held three meetings with Joko Tjandra in November 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The first meeting was held with a businessman named Rahmat who introduced Pinangki to Joko Tjandra.

At the next meeting, Pinangki invited Rahmat and Anita Kolopaking to be introduced to Joko Tjandra as lawyers. Because, in the process, Joko Tjandra needed a lawyer.

Meanwhile, at the last meeting, Pinangki invited Anita and a private party named Andi Irfan Jaya. During the meeting, Pinangki and Andi Irfan submitted an action plan to Joko Tjandra.

However, the plans that had been prepared by Pinangki and Andi Irfan failed. This is because Joko Tjandra has rejected all of the actoin plans.

The prosecutor explained that Pinangki had received a down payment of 500 thousand US dollars in Serika (US) from the 1 million dollars that Joko Tjandra had promised. As many as 50 thousand US of them have been handed over to Anita as Joko Tjandra's legal fees.

Of the 450 thousand US dollars obtained, the prosecutor said that Pinangki had hidden or disguised the origin of assets from the proceeds of corruption. The money, among others, was used by Pinangki to convert into rupiah, buy a BMW X5 car, pay for rent for apartments and beauticians in the United States, as well as pay for the rent for two apartments in Jakarta.

With this incentive, Pinangki was charged with three counts, namely the first charge of receiving a bribe of US $ 500,000 (around Rp7.4 billion) from the convicted Bank Bali cessie Joko Soegiarto Tjandra. So that it is presumed by Article 5 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 5 Paragraph (1) letter a of the Subsidiary Corruption Law Article 11 of the Law on Corruption (Tipikor).

Second, the money laundering charges originating from the receipt of bribes amounting to 444,900 dollars or around Rp6,219,380,900 as money given by Joko Tjandra for processing fatwas to the Supreme Court. In this indictment, Pinangki was accused by Article 3 of Law Number 8 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU).

Third, Pinangki was charged with committing malicious conspiracy along with Andi Irfan Jaya and Joko Tjandra to bribe officials at the AGO and MA worth 10 million US dollars. Thus, Pinangki was suspected by Article 15 in conjunction with Article 13 of the Corruption Crime Act (Tipikor).

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