Pinangki Attorney Sad, Million Dollar Savings Are Now Running Out
Prosecutor Pinangki Disappears Malasari (BETWEEN)

JAKARTA - Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari revealed that the savings from her ex-husband, Djoko Budiharjo, had almost run out. Even the remaining money is used to pay for the services of lawyers.

The worsening financial condition of Pinangki was revealed when Chief Judge Ignasius Eko Purwanto again talked about the amount of deposits that reached 4 million dollars. Eko questioned the remaining deposits that had been used for several years.

"The remaining money (now) ?," said Eko in a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 6.

Pinangki then replied that his savings were running low. In fact, when compared to the previous nominal, it can be said that it is very little.

In addition, the savings money has also been allocated to pay for several other interests. Including paying for the services of the lawyers.

"There is still 1 million USD to pay lawyers to pay others," he said.

Previously, Pinangki said his savings amounted to 3 to 4 million dollars. The money was said to have been prepared deliberately by her ex-husband for her.

The reason was that Pinangki and her ex-husband were quite far apart in age. So, before he died, Djoko Budiharjo prepared it.

"(Form) Dollars, but that's not an inheritance, sir, a deposit. If my inheritance is taxed, sir. But if the savings means it is money I shared with him when he was alive, sir. So there is a separation of our assets," said Pinangki.

"It's a combination between US (dollars) and Singapore, sir," he continued.

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