Chased By Police After Persecution Of Hotel Visitors, Youth In Banyumas Arrested While Hiding In Graves
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BANYUMAS - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banyumas Police arrested the perpetrators of the abuse that occurred at a hotel in Teluk Kelurahan, South Purwokerto. The perpetrator is known to have the initials Y (30) a resident of Karangnanas Village, Kec. Sokaraja Kab. Banyumas.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banyumas Police, Kompol Agus Supriadi, said that the arrest of suspect Y was to follow up on the report of the victim with the initials AB (42), a resident of Berkoh, South Purwokerto District.

Police Commissioner Agus explained that AB suffered lacerations to his head and lips as a result of being abused by Y, last Saturday, August 6, 2022 in front of a hotel room.

"The victim was assaulted at around 9:30 p.m. The perpetrator came to Y carrying a machete and immediately attacked the victim. The victim didn't move, so she suffered a number of lacerations to the right side of her head," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit in a written statement, Tuesday, August 16.

Agus explained that at the time of the incident, the perpetrator was enjoying a party of liquor (alcohol) with five of his friends in front of the hotel room. At around 21.00, the victim came to meet the perpetrator's friend and asked him to rest immediately. Hearing the victim's words, the perpetrator did not accept it. There was a commotion.

The hotel security who knew about the incident immediately broke up the commotion. But the perpetrator still did not accept, he returned to the perpetrator with a machete. The victim was immediately attacked by the perpetrator. As a result, the victim suffered a laceration to the head. He also reported the incident to the South Purwokerto Police.

The Banyumas Police Resmob Sat Reskrim team conducted an investigation. As a result, Saturday, August 6 at around 16.30 WIB, the perpetrator was arrested while hiding in the area of the Bong Cina tomb in Sidabowa Village, Banyumas Regency.

"We have secured the suspect and the evidence at the Banyumas Police Sat Reskrim office for further legal proceedings," concluded the Criminal Investigation Unit Head.

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