South Tangerang Satpol PP Firmly Calls Prabowo's Picture Billboard – Cak Imin 2024 Illegal, Will Be Removed
Picture of Prabowo and Cak Imin on a billboard in the South Tangerang area/ Photo: IST

TANGSEL - A billboard showing the general chairman of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto and PKB chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin is installed on Jalan Letnan Sutopo, South Tangerang.

Head of Law Enforcement and Legislation Division of South Tangerang Satpol PP Taufik Wahidin said the billboards were installed illegally. This is said to be because it does not have a permit from the South Tangerang Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda).

“Satpol PP has not received a copy from any party regarding the billboard. (meaning) billboards are illegal,” said Taufik when confirmed, Friday, July 22.

"For the presidential candidate billboards, no information has been received from anyone, either from PTSP regarding licensing, or from Bapenda regarding the levy tax," he continued.

Regarding the reduction of the billboards, Taufik said he would first coordinate with the KPU and the South Tangerang Bawaslu. The reason is that the 2024 presidential election is just about to start.

"I will first coordinate with Bawaslu, regarding whether or not it is permissible to install billboards for presidential candidates," he concluded.

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