Police Plan To Build Headquarters In Papua After Ratification Of The Bill For The Establishment Of A New Province
Karo Penmas Police Public Relations Division Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan/PHOTO: Rizky Adytia-VOI

JAKARTA - The National Police plans to build new Regional Police in three provinces in Papua. The development was after the House of Representatives (DPR) passed three bills (RUUs) related to the formation of a new province in Papua consisting of Central Papua, Mountains Papua, and South Papua.

"Of course we will see that after the formation of a new province, many Polda formations will be planned through the National Police's plan", said the Head of Public Relations Division of the Police, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Thursday, June 30.

The process of developing the regional police in the three new provinces in Papua will later be discussed with the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB).

Because, this development will adjust to the needs of the organization. Especially, regarding the safety of the community.

"Of course the need is in order to create conditions for the community situation", he said.

However, until now it has not been ascertained about the time for discussing the formation of the Regional Police.

The House of Representatives passed three bills (RUUs) related to the formation of a new province in Papua consisting of Central Papua, Highlands Papua and South Papua into law.

The ratification was carried out after all factions in the DPR agreed to the three draft regulations that had previously been agreed upon in Commission II of the DPR.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian said the proposal for the division of the province in Papua came from the aspirations of the local community from all parties such as community groups, traditional leaders and regional officials there.

In addition, said Tito, the presence of the division of three new provinces in Papua is solely to carry out the mandate of the Special Autonomy Law for Papua which has been stipulated in July 2021.

"Through these 3 bills, it is hoped that they can become a concrete legal umbrella in the framework of governance in the three provinces in the future with the main objective of accelerating development in Papua, improving the welfare of the Papuan people, especially indigenous Papuans", said Tito.

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