Woman In Serpong Died In Blood, Had Whispered To Medical Officers 'Please, Male Thief From The Door'
The scene of the murder case in North Serpong, South Tangerang/IST

TANGSEL - A woman with the initials SL (35) died covered in blood in her boarding room in the North Serpong area, South Tangerang. Before being found, another boarding house occupant had heard screams from the victim's location.

South Tangerang Police Chief AKBP Sarly Sollu said the incident took place on Saturday, June 25 at around 02.00 WIB. It is strongly suspected that the victim's death was a homicide.

"Reporting the checking of the crime scene, the discovery of a woman covered in blood in a state of death suspected of a crime of murder," said Sarly when confirmed, Saturday, June 26.

Sarly explained that at first, witness RS, A and H were chatting in the boarding house room. However, suddenly heard a scream from the victim's room.

"So witness 1 (RS) immediately left the room and saw the victim was already at the door of the victim's room covered in blood," he explained.

Before being sent to the hospital, the victim also had time to say a few words about the items that were taken by the perpetrator. "The victim said 'please, male thief from the back door, my cellphone was taken,'" he said.

The hospital immediately reported to the person in charge of the boarding house and the nearest police to take further action. The police, who acted quickly, immediately conducted an investigation at the crime scene (TKP). The result was found a knife stained with blood.

"When checking the location, blood splattered from the victim's room to the front door of the victim's room was found, a knife handle and blade stained with fresh blood were found separately in the victim's room," he said.

His life could not be saved and was declared dead. The victim has now been referred to the Tangerang District Hospital for an autopsy.

"The victim is gone or has died and then the victim was brought back to the Tangerang City Hospital, then the victim was referred and taken to the Tangerang Regency Hospital for an autopsy," he concluded.

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