ICW Denies Accusations Of Making Hoax Reports
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) spoke about the hoax allegations made by the Deputy of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) of South Sumatra Feri Kurniawan, related to the report 'Who is Behind the Power Plant Project?' ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana turned around to ask who called the report a hoax.

"Who said it was a hoax? MAKI South Sumatra? Do you mean the Anti-Corruption Society?" said Kurnia Ramadhana when confirmed by reporters on Wednesday, May 18.

Kurnia also invited doubtful parties to contact one of the teams who prepared the report, namely Egi Primayogha.

"For this issue, please go to Mr. Egi (Egi Primayogha). He is the advocate," he said.

Meanwhile, when confirmed to the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI), Boyamin Saiman, emphasized that the South Sumatra MAKI was not part of his party.

"Not a part or not a branch of MAKI. That's another party," said Boyamin.

It is known, previously in the report, ICW stated that the construction of the South Sumatra I PLTU (Steam Power Plant) was considered to have caused many surrounding communities to be affected by ARI (acute respiratory infection).

"Smoke from steam power plants (PLTU) is indeed deadly. It contains a number of toxic compounds that can cause disease. Asthma, acute respiratory infections, and lung cancer are some of them, these compounds threaten the lives of residents," ICW wrote.

In addition to the surrounding community being served polluted air, their source of livelihood is also disturbed by the presence of the PLTU. They no longer find fertile farmland or clean seas.

"This is partly because the land has been turned into a PLTU location and the coal spill has polluted seawater. As a result, farming or harvesting fish is no longer their choice of life," ICW wrote.

For information, the company managing the PLTU Sumsel-1 is PT Shenhua Guohua Lion Power Indonesia (SGLPI) which is a consortium consisting of China Shenhoa Energy Company Ltd and PT Lion Power Energy (LPE). China Shenhoa owns 75 percent of the shares and PT LPE with 25 percent. PT Lion Power Energy is owned by PT Graha Wahyu Kencana. The composition of share ownership in the management composition of PT Graha Wahyu Kencana is majority Setiawan Ichlas 99.51 percent.

Previously, it was known that ICW released the results of the report 'Who's Behind the Power Plant Project?' on the ICW official website.

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