Police Investigate The Figure Who 'Marked' Ade Armando On Social Media Until Finally Beaten Up
Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E Zulpan/DOK Rizky Adytia VOI

JAKARTA - The police are hunting for the information provider on social media about Ade Armando's whereabouts in the DPR area during the April 11 student demonstration. The information is suspected to be one of the triggers or the starting point for the beatings.

"We are currently pursuing people on social media who marked Ade Armando," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Wednesday, April 13.

In the search for the figure, the police are gathering evidence and clues. Meanwhile, regarding whether there is a link between information on social media and the beating, Zulpan continued, investigators are still stringing together a common thread.

Because the suspect, Bagja, admitted that he was annoyed with Ade Armando because of his statement on social media.

"From the start, the Regional Police Chief said that we would trace this from the beginning, including the existence of a code from someone through his social media for groups at the location," said Zulpan.

For information, in the case of beating Ade Armando, the police have arrested three suspects. They include Dhia Ul Haq, Muhammad Bagja and Komar.

Thus, there are still three other suspects who are still at large. They include Ade Purnama, Abdul Manaf, and Abdul Latif.

Meanwhile, Ade Armando was the victim of a beating during a student demonstration in the DPR building area on April 11.

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