Rizieq Shihab's Symbol Of Support In The Form Of Food For Edy Mulyadi
Edy Mulyadi at Bareskrim/Photo: VOI

JAKARTA - The suspect in the alleged hate speech case, Edy Mulyadi, received a shock when he was detained at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. He was rewarded by other prisoners.

The prisoner is none other than Rizieq Shihab. Rizieq gave the gift right on the first day of Edy Mulyadi's detention.

Edy Mulyadi's attorney, Herman Kadir, also confirmed the gift.

"The first night, I immediately received a gift from Pak Habib Rizieq Syihab," said Edy Mulyadi's attorney, Herman Kadir, to reporters, Thursday, February 3.

The parcel, said Herman, contained food. However, it was not detailed about the purpose of providing food from Rizieq Shihab.

"Dinner or fruit gifts from Habib Rizieq Syihab and Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful that he got a gift from Habib Rizieq Syihab," said Herman.

On the other hand, Herman also said that Edy Mulyadi was in good health. So, his client is ready to face a case that has made him a suspect.

"Alhamdulillah's condition is healthy, good and I heard that," said Herman.

Rizieq Shihab's goal

The gift turned out to have a purpose behind it. Rizieq Shihab's attorney, Aziz Yanuar said his client gave food to Edy as a symbol of support.

The support in question is in the fight against injustice. Moreover, both of them often criticize the government.

"HRS supports the fight against injustice," said Aziz.

In addition, Aziz also said that Rizieq Shibab gave the food not at the instigation of another party. It's all purely Rizieq Shihab's wish or initiative

"Yes (Rizieq Shihab's initiative, ed)," he said

However, Aziz said that there had been no direct meeting between Rizieq Shihab and Edy Mulyadi. Although, both of them are in the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"There is no (meeting, red) yet," said Aziz.

Edy Mulyadi has been named a suspect in the hate speech case regarding Kalimantan where the genie dumped their child. The determination of the suspect was based on the results of the perka title and examination of 55 witnesses and experts.

The determination of this suspect was also carried out after Edy Mulyadi underwent an examination on January 31. After becoming a suspect, Edy must also undergo detention for the next 20 days.

In this case, Edy Mulyadi is suspected of violating Article 45 a paragraph 2 juncto 28 paragraph (2) of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE). Then, Article 14 paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 15 of Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning criminal law regulations, and Article 156 of the Criminal Code.

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