Unesa Still Hiring Lecturers Perpetrators Of Sexual Harassment Of Students After A Year Of Inactive Sanctions

SURABAYA - The State University of Surabaya (Unesa) will still employ a lecturer with the initials H, an alleged perpetrator of sexual harassment against a student. H is only subject to a sanction of being disabled as a lecturer for a year.

"Regarding the sanctions given are the result of a meeting between the Senate of the Ethics Commission, the leadership and the Task Force on Tuesday, January 18, 2022," said Head of UPT Humas Unesa, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, in a written statement, Tuesday, January 18.

According to Vinda, the truth about the sexual harassment of a number of Unesa students was discovered after the Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force (PPKS Task Force) conducted an investigation for seven days. The task force summoned the alleged perpetrators and collected data from the victims. As a result, H was found guilty.

As a result, Vinda continued, UNESA imposed strict sanctions in the form of disabling H for one year, and delaying promotions and positions for two years. This decision is based on the Rector's Decree Number 304/UN38/HK/KP/2016 concerning the Code of Ethics for Lecturers at the State University of Surabaya.

"The basis for consideration for making this decision is determined after all the data has been collected. Furthermore, the recommendation for sanctions will be continued in accordance with the applicable procedures," he said.

Meanwhile, are there any other alleged perpetrators of sexual harassment cases?, Vinda said that currently the Unesa PPKS Task Force Team is in the process of conducting an investigation, by collecting reports that come in through the Unesa PPKS Task Force Hotline, as well as making summons and similar investigations to the alleged perpetrator.

In accordance with the mandate of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 30 of 2021, Vinda continued, the PPKS Task Force Team will handle sexual violence at this time and will then focus on preventing sexual violence programs.

"You thank all parties for the participation of various parties in the investigation of this case, especially the victims who have dared to share their stories. This is a momentum for institutional improvement," said Vinda.

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