From Behind Prison, Ferdinand Hutahaean Sends Apology Letter And Requests Suspension Of Detention

JAKARTA - The suspect in the alleged hate speech case, Ferdinand Hutahaean, sent a letter from behind bars. It contained an apology for his statements on social media.

"Its content is an apology from the bottom of my heart to Indonesian citizens, religious leaders, clerics, political figures and the whole community, anyone," said Ferdinand's lawyer, Ronny Hutahaean, to reporters on Monday, January 17.

In the letter, Ferdinand also stated that he had no intention of insulting at all. Because, the writing on his Twitter account is only for him.

"So once again I need to say that he sent or wrote an apology or what we need to convey is that he apologizes to all Indonesian people, religious leaders, the community and people who are offended or hurt about his tweets. any intention other than encouraging yourself, something like that," said Ronny.

"He (Ferdinand, ed) asked for prayers from the community so that he is strong and steadfast in facing this legal process," he continued.

On the other hand, Ronny stated that he had submitted a request for a suspension of detention to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. However, the decision to accept or not is left to the investigators

"The guarantor is family, one of them is only family and there are other experts. But what we can convey is the family, namely parents, and the other family, as the father," said Ronny.

The following is the content of Ferdinand Hutahaean's letter:


All Indonesian citizens, religious leaders, community leaders, youth, and all the citizens I love wherever they are

BismillahirrahmanirrahimAssalamualaikum wr wb

Please allow me Ferdinand Hutahaean, first of all with humility to apologize profusely for my mistake in saying specifically in my tweet which has offended friends, relatives and anyone who feels offended and hurt by my words in my tweet. I humbly ask for forgiveness as I have no intention of offending or attacking any party. As a Muslim, I would like to emphasize that there is no other place for refuge except Allah SWT.

For my mistake, please forgive me and guide me so that in the future I will become a better person with religion and speech.

Once again, please forgive me and pray for me to be able to undergo this legal process properly.

Thus, for the generosity of friends, relatives, religious leaders, community leaders, youth, and all parties, I thank you

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Ferdinand Hutahaean

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