Five Districts In Pidie Jaya Aceh Flooded
Police officers are controlling traffic in the flooded road area (HO)

ACEH - The Pidie Jaya Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) stated that the high rainfall in the local area resulted in five sub-districts in the district being flooded.

"Currently, the flood is still submerging Banda Dua (Uleglee) sub-districts, Jangka Buya, Panteraja, Ulim and Bandar Baru (Luengputu) sub-districts," said Pidie Jaya BPBD Chief Executive Muhammad Nur in Pidie Jaya, Thursday, January 13. .

Muhammad Nur explained that the floods that hit the area also damaged infrastructure and lost property.

"Currently we are in the field conducting further data collection on these losses," he said.

According to him, several residents in the Ulim area had to temporarily evacuate to the nearest meunasah from Wednesday, January 12, to avoid flooding.

However, now that the evacuation has subsided, many residents have returned to their respective homes. He said the floods began to hit around 22.00 WIB due to heavy rains in the Pidie Jaya area as a whole.

"Until now, the flood in Pidie Jaya has not subsided, it is still submerging some of the lowest locations," he said.

He added that the water level varies in each region up to two meters in residents' villages.

"We hope that the people of Pidie Jaya are always alert when the rainfall is high, against floods," said Muhammad Nur.

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