Members Of The DPR F-PDIP Urge The Ministry Of Home Affairs To Bring Order To Ormas That Often Get Involved In Clashes
Deputy Chairman of Commission II DPR Junimart Girsang/DOC VIA ANTARA

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives Junimart Girsang urged the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to bring order to a number of community organizations (ormas) that are often involved in clashes and disturb the public.

"Giving permits as legality from the Ministry of Home Affairs or the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is of course with the AD/ART of each organization, one of which is confirmed to be based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution," Junimart said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 21.

Junimart emphasized that the purpose of establishing a mass organization is to assist the government in maintaining public order. Including helping unconditionally maintain public order.

Therefore, if there are mass organizations that are considered to have disturbed the community, the government has an obligation to attend in accordance with its authority. Both for construction and control.

"Based on the above stance, it turns out that the organization is actually troubling the community, so the Ministry of Home Affairs must proactively summon the management of the mass organization," continued Junimart.

Furthermore, if the mass organization has been given a warning but still creates unrest in the community, then the revocation of the permit is considered a reasonable solution by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"If it still causes unrest in the community, be it extortion or clashes between mass organizations, the Ministry of Home Affairs can revoke the permit or not extend the permit," said Junimart.

He said that no single mass organization should be allowed to run rampant so that it disturbs the people in Indonesia. Moreover, in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, all elements of society, including mass organizations, should help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Regarding the control of mass organizations that are under the full authority of the government, it can also be carried out through the recommendation of the National Police on the grounds that the existence of mass organizations continues to be considered a violation of public security and order.

"The National Police can also recommend to the Ministry of Home Affairs to disband the mass organizations that have caused trouble and trouble several times because they involve security and security," he said.

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