MUI Lebak Calls Investments With Big Profits Like Gambling, Haram In Islam
JAKARTA - The number of victims of fraudulent investments has attracted the attention of the Deputy Chairperson of the Lebak Regency MUI, KH Ahmad Hudori. Ahmad appealed to the public to be more careful and not easily tempted by big profits, because many victims of fraud have reported to the police.
"We hope that the residents here will not become victims of illegal investments or scams," said Deputy Chairperson of the Lebak Regency MUI, KH Ahmad Hudori, quoting Antara, Saturday, October 30. At present, said Ahmad, many people are victims of fraudulent investments. Therefore, the people of Lebak Regency should not easily believe if there are investment companies under the guise of cooperatives and sharia offering investments with large profits.
According to him, MUI Lebak is concerned that in various regions they are victims of fraudulent investment practices. They are victims of fraudulent investments, because they are promised big profits. For example, he said, if you save Rp. 10 million in investment funds, you will get a profit of Rp. 1.5 million/month. The practice of fraudulent investment fraud that one to two months can be rewarded. However, continued Ahmad, the investment funds will not be disbursed again.