Asahan Police Holds COVID-19 Vaccination, Elderly Just Sit Back, Let Officers Come Home

JAKARTA - Accelerating the formation of herd immunity or group immunity, the Asahan Police, the North Sumatra Police held a door-to-door COVID-19 vaccination for the elderly. The theme is to serve the country, Indonesia is tough, Indonesia is growing," said Asahan Police Chief AKBP Putu Yudha Prawira quoting Antara, Saturday, October 30. In addition to providing vaccination services from house to house, Putu said, his party also held mass COVID-19 vaccination services for students in "There are a total of 1,160 doses of Sinovac vaccine that we are injecting into the community, targeting students and the elderly," he said.

For the implementation of vaccination, he continued, involving health workers from Urkes Polres Asahan, volunteer vaccinators from STMIK Royal Kisaran and volunteer vaccinators from STIKES AS Syifa Kisaran. wearing a mask," he said. He said the vaccination activity was carried out in order to support and succeed in the government's program to accelerate the implementation of vaccination. "This is all in order to realize communal immunity for the community," he said.