Police Arrest Drug Dealer After Residents Send Messages Via Social Media

JAKARTA - A drug dealer of methamphetamine type was arrested by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Reksrim) of the Kembangan Police along with a number of evidences of 18 packages of methamphetamine ready to be sold on Jalan Kembangan Raya, RT 05/02, Kembangan District, West Jakarta.

The perpetrator was arrested by members of the Police for public complaints via DM (direct message) or direct messages to the Instagram social media account of the Kembangan Police.

"People report directly to the official Instagram account @siehumaspolsekkembangan regarding public unrest regarding drug trafficking," said Kembangan police chief Kompol Khoiri to reporters, Saturday, October 30.

The police chief said that this disclosure is a follow-up that the police will immediately respond to any form of public complaints that are troubling.

"While at the location of the community report, members arrested the perpetrator with the initials HP alias Eman (44), along with evidence of narcotics of methamphetamine," he said.

When an arrest was made, the perpetrator did not fight back. The arrests were led directly by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kembangan Police, AKP Ferdo Alfianto.

From the hands of the perpetrators, the police found 18 packages of methamphetamine ready to be distributed. The perpetrators were also taken to the Kembangan Police Headquarters for further development.

"Evidence of methamphetamine weighing 3.34 grams from 18 packages ready for distribution belonging to the perpetrator. We also confiscated 1 black cloth bag, 1 pack of cigarettes and 1 unit of Samsung cellphone," said AKP Ferdo.

The perpetrator was charged with Article 114 paragraph 1 sub 112 paragraph 1 of Law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics.

"The public, if they find or see a crime, should report it to the development police station or through the official social media account of the development police station," he said.