Forms Special Night Patrol Team, Kapolda Fadil Imran: Just Hear His Name Makes Criminals 'Wetting' In Trousers

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran will immediately form motorized personnel or two-wheeled patrols that are devoted to security at night, cracking down on street crimes.

This special team will be formed by Polda Metro Jaya next week. Later the team will be given special training and tasked with securing the city of Jakarta starting at 22.00 WIB until 05.00 WIB.

The Kapolda said the shooting ability of the special team he would be forming was qualified, including in self-defense.

"So people who hear his name already pee in their pants. So creating a hero in protecting the capital needs to be done together," said Kapolda Fadil Imran to reporters, Saturday, October 30.

The Kapolda confirmed that next week his team will start gathering Sabhara's team to become 'bats at night.

"Bring weapons. (Patrol targets) Brawl, illegal racing that disturbs safety at night. So his only job is to be a police officer at night," he said.

The equipment provided includes two-wheeled vehicles, helmets, weapons, special training on human rights, communication and other SOPs.

"We have to train and prepare all of this. This will be the new face of Polda Metro Jaya, the police at night. Anyway, no place to hide (there is no place to hide). Everything must be found if you want to commit a crime in Jakarta," he said. .