Four Times Absent, Djoko Tjandra's PK Application Was Rejected

JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court (PN) rejected the request for reconsideration (PK) submitted by the convict of the Bank Bali cessie case, Djoko Tjandra. Because, as a petitioner, Djoko never attended the trial.

"To determine, declare that the PK application from the applicant or convicted Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra cannot be accepted and the case file is not proceed to the Supreme Court," said Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court Suharno at the South Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, July 29.

With this stipulation, Suharno emphasized that the PK problem filed by Djoko Tjandra had been resolved because the petition was not submitted to the Supreme Court.

"The PK problem has been resolved," he said.

Furthermore, Suharno explained that this decision was issued on Tuesday, July 28 yesterday. Quoting from a copy of the decision in the weighing section, the judge stated that PK applications in criminal cases could only be submitted to the Supreme Court by the convict or his heirs.

However, during the trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Djoko Tjandra was never present. So, the PK application submitted by Djoko Tjandra's attorney, Anita Kolopaking, could not be accepted and the file was not continued to the Supreme Court.

It is known, Djoko Tjandra submitted a PK against the Supreme Court Decision No. 12 / PK / PID / SUS / 2009 dated 11 June 2009 jo. Decision No. 1688 K / PID / 2000 dated 28 June 2001 Jo. Decision No. 156 / Pid.B / 2000 / PN Jak.Sel dated 28 August 2000 and the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 33 / PUU-XIV / 2016 dated 12 May 2016.

The trial for the PK application was held for the first time on 29 June and continued on 6 July, 20 July and 27 July. However, in the three trials Djoko was never present. According to his attorney, Andi Putra Kusuma, Djoko could not attend because he was sick.

The fugitive had also requested that the trial be carried out online because of his health condition and reasoned that the COVID-19 pandemic was happening. However, the South Jakarta District Court refused the request.