Introducing Polar, Facebook Supports Users To Create Their Own AR Filters

JAKARTA - Facebook is now more of a metaverse-focused company, to support its vision, it presents Polar, a free iOS application that makes it easy for anyone to create AR filters, effects and 3D Objects.

The company aims to give creators simple tools to design special AR effects, such as a glowing devil eye, or 3D text of personal hashtags and slogans, which they can use across the web, or share with their followers.

Think of this app like an easy-to-use implementation of the company's Spark AR platform for developers.

Quoting Engadget, Friday, October 29, Polar Facebook is an application that will help create AR and VR filters for users and enhance content creation from artists to place their work on digital platforms and integrate them with technology.

For now, the feature is still a concept coming soon, as the company focuses on releasing a closed beta in the months to come. And only invites selected people before it is available to all users.

However, if Facebook wants the metaverse to thrive, Polar's test will have to engage content creators who will help create some meme-worthy content.

Facebook's AR and VR have been one of the company's recent focuses, especially as it plans to create its own metaverse in the future. While the technology needed to create the full metaverse is not yet available, the company is focusing on strengthening its AR and VR legs to help its future endeavors.