The True Meaning Of Challenge Accepted On Instagram

JAKARTA - Today, Wednesday, July 29, the Instagram line is filled with photos of women in black and white. Using the hashtag #ChallengeAccepted (challenge accepted) and writing Women supporting women (women supporting women), actually there is a special meaning behind the upload.

This hashtag has been used by 4.5 million and is used by the public as well as public figures. However, there is more meaning than just those words.

An Instagram user @beelzeboobz said the challenge started in Turkey to raise awareness of the high rate of female murder (femicides) in the country. "Turks wake up every day to see a photo of a woman in black and white who was murdered on their Instagram page, newspaper, television screen."

The black and white photo uploaded is not only sad but also a form of public protest against the Turkish government so that it can save women who are often cases of femicide.

"To show that one day, their photo can become a black and white photo." This means that all women can become victims of murder if there is no protection from the government.

Recently, a young woman in Turkey named Pinar Gultekin was brutally murdered. Not only that, it is reported that femicides occur every year. In 2019 more than 500 cases occurred. Reporting from the @auturkishculturalclub upload, this July alone, 40 women in Turkey were killed by their male colleagues. Most of these perpetrators were simply released.

Now, women in Turkey want to ask the government to sanction suspects and also protect society regardless of gender. Actions on social media are a form of public criticism. Unfortunately, not a few think this challenge is for fun even though there is a big meaning behind the black and white color.

Therefore, if there is a challenge on social media, it is better to find out the origin of the challenge first so that we can learn to respect each other. People can also donate to shelters in Istanbul through the uploads above.