Uploading Nyabu 'Let's Not Dizzy' On Social Media, A Civil Servant Arrested By The Police

JAKARTA - The Situbondo Police Narcotics Investigation Unit revealed the abuse of methamphetamine type narcotics because the perpetrators uploaded it on social media.

The suspect with the initials BFR (39) was arrested at a house in the Suboh sub-district of Situbondo, Wednesday, October 27.

Reported by humas.polri.go.id, from the results of a search of the Narcotics Satresnal Opsnal Team, several pieces of evidence were found. Among them, 1 glass pipette which is suspected to contain remaining methamphetamine with a gross weight of 2.79 grams, 1 plastic clip is suspected to contain remaining methamphetamine with a gross weight of 0.12 grams, 9 plastic clips are empty with methamphetamine contents, 3 pieces of plastic small empty clip filled with methamphetamine, 1 green plastic bottle cap and two straws, 1 red plastic bottle cap and two straws, 1 spoon made of white plastic straw, 1 glass pipette, 1 spoon from a straw clear color and 2 L-shaped pipes made of straws.

Photo: humas.polri.go.id

The Head of Drug Investigation at the Situbondo Police AKP Sugiharto through the Head of Public Relations Iptu Achmad Sutrisno explained that the disclosure of the case began with postings on social media regarding the suspect using "nyabu" methamphetamine.

The suspect of BFR, known to be a civil servant (Teacher) was arrested in a house in Suboh sub-district on Wednesday, October 27 at around 22.30 WIB and during the search, evidence was found related to the abuse of narcotics type methamphetamine.

"There is one suspect who was detained along with the evidence to the Situbondo Police for the investigation process in accordance with Article 114 paragraph (1) Subs Article 112 paragraph (1) RI Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics," he concluded.