Barack Obama And George Clooney Help Raise Funds For The Joe Biden Campaign

JAKARTA - The 44th President of the United States (US) Barack Obama and actor George Clooney have stepped in to help raise funds for the campaign of the Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden. Fundraising is done by having virtual conversations.

Those who wish to watch the virtual conversation have to pay for tickets ranging from US $ 250 to US $ 250,000 per person. The proceeds from the sale will later go to the Biden campaign committee, the Biden Victory Fund, the Democratic National Committee and several representatives of the Democratic Party in many states.

Launching Reuters, Wednesday, July 29, raising funds for Biden is not the first time Obama has done. In June, he also held a fundraiser for his former president.

The event brought in more than 11 million US dollars. Biden will face President Donald Trump in the US Presidential Election on November 3.

Obama was previously neutral in the Democratic Party presidential candidate election convention, which was attended by more than two dozen candidates. But in April the 44th US President supported Biden after Bernie Sanders of Vermont resigned from the presidential market.

Biden and Obama have met in recent weeks at Obama's office. They record conversations using social distancing. The Biden campaign displayed online was turned into an advertisement.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced Biden to launch an online campaign. The reason is, virtual fundraising has proven to be more effective. That helped him and his Democratic groups beat Trump and Republican groups in May and June.

Biden also briefly gave a speech in Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday, July 28. During the speech, he outlined ways to tackle systemic racism and economic inequality in the US. One of them is by revitalizing the US economy which was devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

For your information, George Clooney, who took part in the virtual conversation with Obama, was an actor who outspokenly criticized Trump. He is known as an actor who is quite active in the world of activism.

In June, for example, Clooney donated $ 500,000 to the Equal Justice Initiative, a non-profit organization that provides legal representation to prisoners convicted of crimes not committed. Certainly the personnel had a big role in winning Biden.