Medan City Vaccine Ration Reduced, Bobby Nasution Protests To Governor Edy

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution revealed that the quota of vaccines sent by the Ministry of Health to the Medan City Government through the North Sumatra Health Service was always cut.

He expressed this directly to the Governor of North Sumatra (Governor of North Sumatra) Edy Rahmayadi during a follow-up coordination meeting on the handling of COVID-19 at the Governor's Office house in Medan, Friday, October 29.

"For example, Medan City's quota is 50 thousand, but what is given is only 30 thousand," said Bobby Nasution.

President Jokowi's son-in-law said he knew about the cuts when he directly asked the Ministry of Health.

From there, Bobby Nasution received information that each district/city had received their respective allocations by the Ministry of Health. In fact, the allocation for each district/city has also been detailed.

However, during the distribution, it turns out that not all of the quota is distributed to districts/cities

"So sometimes, how much we are given, (how much) we receive," said Bobby Nasution.

The cut in the vaccine quota, Bobby Nasution believed, did not only happen in Medan. He suspects similar incidents have occurred in other areas.

"Moreover, similar incidents have not only happened once or twice, but many times," he said.

For this reason, Bobby Nasution asked the North Sumatra Health Office to be more open about the allocation of vaccines for regions in North Sumatra.

Hearing Bobby's confession, Governor Edy immediately answered. Gubsu Edy urged the Health Office to immediately announce the stock of vaccines in the Health Office warehouse.

"There should be no lies between us," said Edy.

Gubsu Edy explained, the supply of vaccines that enter through the North Sumatra Health Office has already regulated the distribution pattern. He gave an example, if 100 thousand vials of vaccine are received, then 25 thousand are given to the Regional Police and 25 thousand are given to the Kodam.

While the remaining 50 thousand will be divided among all districts or cities. Gubsu Edy also said that when the allocation was prepared, the distribution process from the center was often in installments.

"The Minister of Health sent one hundred but not one hundred immediately. The installments were the same as thirty, fifty and so on," said Edy Rahmayadi.

Gubsu Edy asked the Health Office to open and announce the existing stock of vaccines, so that this matter would not be debated for a long time.

His party also plans to reduce distribution to areas where vaccination distribution is already high and vaccination will be focused on areas where the achievement is still low.

It is known, the achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in Medan City so far has reached 66.33 percent for the first dose. Then, 46.51 percent for the second dose injection.