Tiger Skin Sellers In Kuantan Singingi Will Soon Be Tried

JAKARTA - A joint team from the Regional Police and the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (KSDA) handed over the man with the initials BTS (58), a suspect in selling Sumatran tiger skins, to the Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing) District Attorney's Office. The handover of the suspect along with his file was carried out after investigators completed the suspect case file at stage P21. Executing Harianu, Head of the Riau KSDA Center, Hartono, Friday, said that the handover of the suspect and evidence that was held on Thursday, October 28 was a phase II (P21) process. "The case for the sale of Sumatran tiger skins was revealed and an arrest was made on Sunday, August 29 by a joint team from the Riau KSDA Center, the Riau Police Ditreskrimsus, and the Regional Gakkum Sumatra Section Region II," he said as quoted by Antara. , Friday, October 29. "So the BTS suspect was caught in an operation to control the trade in animal skins," said Hartono.

During his arrest, he said, the suspect, who is a resident of Sekeranji Village, Singingi District, Kuantan Singingi Regency, was found 1 piece of Sumatran tiger skin. Honda Revo for transporting tiger skin. by the Head of General Crimes of the Kuansing District Prosecutor's Office, the following will be further processed.